About us
Corporate governance
Toksika, UAB is a state-owned company. Institution representing the State – Ministry of the Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania.
Management board
The highest governing body of the company is the General Meeting of Shareholders. The General Meeting of Shareholders elects the Company’s Management Board for a 4-year term of office. The Board is composed of three members – two independent members elected by tender and one member delegated by Ministry of the Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania. The Board elects and removes the company’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

Normantas Marius Dvareckas
Chairperson of the Board (since February 2024), independent member (since February 2022)

Agata Šeporaitienė
Member of the Board, a delegate of Ministry of the Economy and Innovation (since June 2022)

Giedrius Dusevičius
Member of the Board, independent member (since March 2024)

Arūnas Dirvinskas

Lukas Andronavičius
Commercial Director

Valerija Greičiuvienė
Chief Accountant

Stanislavas Zablockis
Head of Strategy and Finance

Bronislovas Skarbalius
Head of Šiauliai division