About us
The Company’s hazardous waste incinerator emission levels are monitored in accordance with the strictest requirements of EU and Lithuanian laws and other regulatory acts. Detailed emissions data are provided to the public and regulatory authorities. Toksika strives to ensure the lowest possible environmental impact, and is therefore committed to clearing the incinerator’s fumes of pollutants in the most efficient way.
The fume treatment system is an integral part of the technology of the hazardous waste incinerator, without which the incineration process would be impossible. A highly sophisticated and technologically advanced electronically monitored and controlled fume treatment system ensures that pollutants are effectively removed and no industrial wastewater is generated.
The company monitors its hazardous waste incineration plant on a regular basis and publishes daily the average factual emissions values for the previous day. The Šiauliai Regional Environmental Protection Department monitors the company’s emissions data in real time. The results of the measurements show that the actual emissions from the incinerator are significantly below the set limit values.
In addition to regular emission tests, twice a year, non-regular measurements are carried out by independent laboratories to investigate emissions of heavy metals (As, Cr, Co, Mn, Ni, Sb, Cu, V, Cd, Tl, Hg), ammonia (NH3), hydrogen fluoride (HF) and dioxin-furans (PCDDs/PCDFs). The results show that the levels of all these pollutants (including the very harmful dioxins and furans) are significantly below the limit values.